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The work plan consists of 5 work packages, which are subdivided into tasks.


WP0: Management & Dissemination

WP1: Environmental Legislation & Guidelines

WP2: Procurement

WP3: Maintenance of Roads & Mitigation Measures

WP4: Update to COST 341 Handbook



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Harmony is funded through the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2013 “Roads and Wildlife” with funding provided by the road administration of Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom. The programme is being managed by the NRA, Ireland, on behalf of CEDR. The Programme Executive Board (PEB) is chaired by  Lars Nilsson, Sweden Transport Administration (Trafikverket). The PEB Project Manager is Vincent O’Malley of Transport Infrastructure Ireland.


Harmony is collaborating with the Saferoad project which is also funded as part of the CEDR 2013 “Roads and Wildlife” call.


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